School. School can be a drag although sometimes it’s really fun! We have all hated school at one time or another. “Why do I need to learn Algebra?” It often seems like we are learning topics that won’t actually ever help us in life. That actually may be partly true, I don’t use the Calculus I learned ever!
BUT, once you realize that school is all about learning how to LEARN then things start to make a bit more sense. All these topics are different exercises for your brain! They are all important and work different brain muscles, putting you in a better position to learn that one thing that will be super important for your job or life down the road.
Learn how to learn, and everything else will fall into place. And for another little pointer, take a brisk walk or a 5 minute jog before class and you will be smarter and quicker thinking! Here, check it out:
Tips for doing well in school:
Most kids barely try at school. If you sit down for 30 minutes a day and really focus, you will be ahead of the curve. Put pen to paper and REWRITE the things you learn! The brain will retain info much better when you REWRITE IT! (This is MUCH MUCH better than “highlighting” which is mindless. Keep a notebook and always write down the important things you learn! Ninjadoc beta! (Beta is a climbing term for a “technique” or “way to do something.”)
Make it an experiment: Try to choose one test, in one subject and CRUSH IT! Don’t just get by, surprise everyone! It should always be a short term goal to surprise yourself and others with your ability to TRY HARD.
…It’s not easy when it’s “not fun,” but this is the most important time to try hard. If you practice trying hard at “important” tasks like school and work, you will find that the results are AMAZING!
– People will respect you more.
– You will impress people (including yourself!) and that feels GREAT!
– You will gain more knowledge. It doesn’t matter what that knowledge is or whether or not you think it’s useful; every little bit of knowledge adds to your ability to think faster and more clearly! Train your computer (brain!)
– You will go farther in life, make more money, travel the world, feel fulfilled and HAVE MORE FUN!
– Your parents will be proud of you and give you more freedom and leeway since you are “proving” to the world that they are great parents because their kid is successful!
– I will be proud of you, so let me know how you’re doing, Ninja!
It’s hard to see the benefits right now, when you are in the trenches and school is tough, but start TRYING YOUR HARDEST and watch how life changes!