I love handstands! I do handstand on top of crazy things that move, some pretty high places and even on people! My secret though is I didn’t start doing crazy handstands. I started with the basics and today I want to teach you some of my favorite tips to a great handstand!
I started doing handstands against a wall and would just work getting comfortable being upside and working my strength. First I put my toes against the wall, like i am in a push up position. Then I wall walk my feet up the wall until I am in a handstand. I focus on finding my noes and toes against the wall and hold it for 1 min! Its ok if 60 seconds is to long. Go to you max. It might be 22 seconds and thats ok. Work on doing 3 sets of 22 secs or your whatever your max time is. Stick to that time for a week and then next week, work on making that time longer! Its about positive progress not how long you can hold it!