Becoming a Ninja involves a LOT of training
The amount of time you spend training your mind and body has a direct correlation to your skill level. The Wolfpack Ninjas have spent over 75 collective years rock climbing alone!! It is up to you to develop your mind and body through diligence, discipline and training day in and day out. Eating right, staying away from bad habits, and hanging out with your own pack of cool, smart and motivated people will be the best way for you to become the person you always wanted to be! You can do this! You can be a ninja and change the world! Keep your dream alive and train as hard as you can. You are our future young wolf! The following training gear and devices are the same ones that we use every day to improve our bodies. Please see the READING LIST and don’t forget to put in just as much time improving your MIND. Click on a link and it will enable you to read more about and purchase these AMAZING Ninja training devices from our affiliate partners at ATOMIK CLIMBING HOLDS!
Small Atomik Bombs 2.5 Inch Ball
These small balls are the same version as the ones on the American Ninja Warrior show only made for small hands! These are very easy to hold onto for adults and teens and even kids. Great for ages 3-6 as an easy American Ninja Warrior intro grip. Get a bunch, set up a chain and use carabiners to make an AWESOME BACKYARD OBSTACLE COURSE! 2-count.
These balls are the EXACT same as the ones on the American Ninja Warrior show from the EXACT SAME COMPANY, Atomik Climbing Holds! These are easy to hold onto for adults and teens and difficult for most kids. Great for ages 7-adult as an easy American Ninja Warrior intro grip. Get a bunch, set up a chain and use carabiners to make an AWESOME BACKYARD OBSTACLE COURSE! 2-count.
Large Atomik Bombs 4.5 Inch Ball
These balls are the EXACT same as the ones on the American Ninja Warrior show from the EXACT SAME COMPANY, Atomik Climbing Holds! These are tough to hold onto for adults and teens and nearly impossible for most 3-6 yr old kids. Great for ages 7-adult as a challenging American Ninja Warrior obstacle grip. Get a bunch, set up a chain and use carabiners to make an AWESOME BACKYARD OBSTACLE COURSE! 2-count.
Extra Large Atomik Bombs 6 Inch Ball
These balls are the EXACT same as the ones on the American Ninja Warrior show from the EXACT SAME COMPANY, Atomik Climbing Holds! These are hard to hold onto for adults and teens and mostly impossible because of their size for most kids. Great for ages 14-adult as a truly difficult American Ninja Warrior obstacle grip. Get a bunch, set up a chain and use carabiners to make an AWESOME BACKYARD OBSTACLE COURSE! 2-count.
This ball is the EXACT same as the ones on the American Ninja Warrior show from the EXACT SAME COMPANY, Atomik Climbing Holds! This huge bomb is tough for most Ninjas to hold onto and almost impossible for average adults and teens, don’t even bother for 99% of non-climber kids. Great for teens & adults as a super difficult American Ninja Warrior obstacle grip. AMAZING for difficult pull-up sets and they really work your chest and arms and back. Really really difficult. You have been warned. Get a bunch, set up a chain and use carabiners to make an AWESOME BACKYARD OBSTACLE COURSE! 1-count.
This amazing new Ninja obstacle is super fun and not nearly as difficult as the bigger bombs. fun for pull-ups and for jumping to, this large bone is made by Atomik Climbing Holds. These are fairly easy to hold onto for adults and teens and even for most kids. They are a bit tough to jump to, and lache from (jump with your hands.) Great for ages 7-adult as a moderate American Ninja Warrior type intro grip. Get a bunch, set up a chain and use carabiners to make an AWESOME BACKYARD OBSTACLE COURSE! 1-count.
Atomik CROSSFIT Peg Board & Campus Board
This wall will be your solution to becoming STRONGER! It is amazing! It features peg-board receivers with wooden doll rods to pull-up and move one hand at a time. It is an upper body crusher and a space saver. Worth every penny to make you into a superstar NINJA.
These missiles are the EXACT same as the ones used on the American Ninja Warrior show from the EXACT SAME COMPANY, Atomik Climbing Holds! These are fairly easy to hold onto for adults and teens and difficult for most kids. Great for ages 7-adult as a tricky but doable American Ninja Warrior intro grip. Get a bunch, set up a chain and use carabiners to make an AWESOME BACKYARD OBSTACLE COURSE! 2-count.
This Donut is super fun for Ninjas and Kids LOVE IT! It is relatively easy to hold onto for adults and teens and not too bad for most kids. Great for ages 7-adult as an moderate American Ninja Warrior obstacle grip. Get a bunch, set up a chain and use carabiners to make an AWESOME BACKYARD OBSTACLE COURSE! 1-count.
This tricky obstacle is harder than it looks! These are easy to hold onto for adults and teens and difficult for most kids IF HOLDING WITH BOTH HANDS, but the hanger tilts when grasped with only one hand! Great for ages 14-adult as a tricky American Ninja Warrior obstacle grip. Get a bunch, set up a chain and use carabiners to make an AWESOME BACKYARD OBSTACLE COURSE! 1-count.
ATOMIK BANANAS! THESE ARE SO MUCH FUN AND KIDS LOVE THEM!!! GET THESE FOR YOUR LITTLE MONKEYS! AMAZING GIFTS! These are pretty easy to hold onto for adults and teens and even for most kids. Great for ages 5 to adult as an easy American Ninja Warrior intro grip. Get a bunch, set up a chain and use carabiners to make an AWESOME BACKYARD OBSTACLE COURSE! Wolfpack Ninjas LOVE BANANAS! 2-count.
These vertical grips are all over the American Ninja Warrior course! It is a very important grip position to master and get strong at. These are fairly easy to hold onto for adults and teens and difficult for most kids. Great for ages 7-adult as a moderate American Ninja Warrior intro grip. Get a bunch, set up a chain and use carabiners to make an AWESOME BACKYARD OBSTACLE COURSE! 2-count.
Atomik Vertical 2.75 inch Bombs
These vertical grips are all over the American Ninja Warrior course! It is a very important grip position to master and get strong at. These are tough to hold onto for adults and teens and very difficult for most kids. Great for ages 10-adult as a tough American Ninja Warrior obstacle grip. Get a bunch, set up a chain and use carabiners to make an AWESOME BACKYARD OBSTACLE COURSE! 2-count.
Atomik Vertical 3.5 inch Bombs
These vertical grips are all over the American Ninja Warrior course! It is a very important grip position to master and get strong at. These are very difficult to hold onto for adults and teens and impossible for most kids. Great for ages 14-adult as a tough American Ninja Warrior obstacle grip. Get a bunch, set up a chain and use carabiners to make an AWESOME BACKYARD OBSTACLE COURSE! 2-count.
Atomik Pegs 15 degree overhang
See the picture on the right? These are Atomik’s amazing peg receivers to up your game! These are easy to hold onto for adults and teens and not bad for most kids, HOWEVER, the point is to move between them by pulling up, staying locked-off and moving the other peg with the free hand. At first, you can use feet if you need to. This is a very important skill to have for all of your training. Great for ages 12-adult as a hard American Ninja Warrior obstacle. Get a bunch (see below,) set up a peg receiver board and get to work! Wolfpack Ninjas use this type of exercise daily. 1-count.
Atomik Pegs Vertical Wall Receivers, 10 count
These are Atomik’s amazing peg receivers to up your game! These are easy to hold onto for adults and teens and not bad for most kids, HOWEVER, the point is to move between them by pulling up, staying locked-off and moving the other peg with the free hand. At first, you can use feet if you need to. This is a very important skill to have for all of your training. Great for ages 12-adult as a hard American Ninja Warrior obstacle. Get a bunch, set up a peg receiver board and get to work! Wolfpack Ninjas use this type of exercise daily. 10-count.
Atomik Pegs 15 Degree Overhang Receivers, 10 count
These are Atomik’s amazing peg receivers to up your game! These are easy to hold onto for adults and teens and not bad for most kids, HOWEVER, the point is to move between them by pulling up, staying locked-off and moving the other peg with the free hand. At first, you can use feet if you need to. This is a very important skill to have for all of your training. Great for ages 12-adult as a hard American Ninja Warrior obstacle. Get a bunch, set up a peg receiver board and get to work! Wolfpack Ninjas use this type of exercise daily. 10-count.
Atomik Pegs More Difficult Hand Dolls
These are Atomik’s harder version. These tough peg dolls are thicker and much harder! These are tough to hold onto for adults and teens and really hard for most kids since they spin, HOWEVER, the point is to move between them by pulling up, staying locked-off and moving the other peg with the free hand. At first, you can use feet if you need to. This is a very important skill to have for all of your training. Great for ages 12-adult as a hard American Ninja Warrior obstacle. Get a pair, set up a peg receiver board and get to work! Wolfpack Ninjas use this type of exercise daily. 2-count.
This is the real deal here! This is for the Ninjas that are truly dedicated and willing to do anything to BE THE BEST. This is the ultimate training wall for climbing and upper body grip and power conditioning. We only put this here because we want one badly.
Great for hanging over a door and getting a great grip and pull-up work out. This board will definitely get you strong if you put in the work. 1-count board w/holds and mounting hardware.
Great for hanging over a door and getting a great grip and pull-up work out. This board will definitely get you strong if you put in the work. 1-count board mounting hardware.
Atomik 50-Count Screw On Climbing Holds
Making a climbing wall? It’s never been easier! Forget about complicated bolts and T-nuts and go for the easy, no spin, safe and effective screw-on. These can be screwed onto trees in the backyard, a simple sheet of plywood for a sweet kid’s wall, or just about anywhere else you can imagine. Dad’s, this is perfect for getting your kids Ninja on and making those little monkeys into bona fide climbers! 50-count.