We all LOVE American Ninja Warrior. Sadly, you have to be 19 years old to be on the show, and that may be a long way off. When i first started my ninja journey there were not may options… but luckily nowadays, its much easier to test your ninja skills. Of course there is the Wolfpack Ninja tour, which starts in Denver, CO on April 29th. If you cant make it out, here are some other really cool competitions that go on around the country!
There is the National Ninja League. Which hosts competitions around the country and you can compete in starting at 6 years old! The second season is almost over but it will be starting up again soon with season 3 in the fall.
There is also the Ultimate Ninja Athlete Association which has a ton of comps around the country. You must be 10 years old to compete in their youth league.
Another lesser known comp is one of my favorites, and is called the Goliathon. This is a very cool obstacle course with different levels of obstacles that the whole family can do. You have to be at least 10 to do this course and it happens twice a year in new jersey. Its an outside course and it feels a lot like the show.
Good luck Ninjas!