You can earn VALUABLE rewards by “leveling” yourself up through involvement, personal achievement and growing the community! Here’s how:
1. Personal Records – Comment on the Forum what your personal best at each skill is! You will get points for listing your personal bests and each time you “break” your previous record! email Ninjadoc at boulderdoc@gmail.com to have him update your leaderboard or update your record!
– 1 point per record beat
– Parent must email wolfpackjuniorclub@gmail.com with documenting statement OR email a video from smartphone!
2. Academics – You will receive points for getting an “A” or “B” in you subjects at school!
– 2 points for “A”
– 1 point for “B”
– Must email photo proof from smartphone!
3. WPJ involvement – The more you comment, the more you earn! Comment on the Forum or Posts everyday to maximize points for that day. Comments must be quality and we are not looking for quantity here. Don’t game the system!
– 1 point for 3 well-thought out, not one-word comments per day.
– 0.5 points for at least 1 comment a day.
4. Helping others – Write a post about something you did to help another person. Your post must include a photo and describe the story in detail!
– 1 to 3 points depending on story, photo, and altruistic attributes.
5. Recruit New Members – Recruit others to the Wolfpack Junior Community! If you can bring your friends into the community, and help them become better versions of themselves, you will receive points!
– 5 points if they sign up as a full-member past the trial!
– You or your parent must email wolfpackjuniorclub@gmail.com notifying us of their pending membership before they apply.
– 10 points if that member stays for 6 months or signs up for a year.
6. Spread the word – about the Club! Post and share Wolfpack Junior Club on your social media and earn valuable points!
– 1 points per mention per week. Tag @wolfpackninja on Twitter and Facebook and @wolfpackninjawarrior on Instagram for credit.
We will be keeping a record of your points and points and rewards are listed in a separate post! As you level up, you will gain responsibility in the Community and ultimately earn the right to have your own Forum and post about your personal journey to becoming a Ninja in order to help other members. BECOME A TEACHER! Are you ready to LEVEL UP?