Hey little ninjas! Today I want to share with you some of my favorite veggies!!! I know that sometimes you don’t like to eat your veggies, but let me tell you, they are so helpful! Not only are they good for you, but they can be extremely yummy!
Spinach is definitely my favorite veggie! I try and sneak it into all of my meals. One great thing is that spinach can be mixed into other foods so easily, so if you don’t like it that much you can hide spinach in things like eggs, smoothies, pasta, etc.
Broccoli is another one of m favorites. I like it cooked or raw. When I eat raw broccoli I usually dip it in hummus, which is another healthy snack! Those are just a few of my faves, hope you all get out and figure out which veggies are for you!
Comment or chat if I’m online and let’s talk about what you’re eating in the forum!