These are the Wolfpack Ninja Tenets. We rely on these rules of character to become better versions of ourselves day in and day out. These Wolfpack Ninja Tenets are the tip of the iceberg for anyone seeking to better themselves and become the superhero version of themselves. While we are all human and make mistakes from time to time, it is important to keep these simple rules of kindness, honesty and respect foremost in your mind when interacting with others day to day and especially during tough times.
Being a part of the Wolfpack means more than just being a great athlete and a great student. The Wolfpack adheres to principles of integrity, honor and respect. Our basic philosophy and tenets are listed below. We take this very seriously since being a good person is one of the most important attributes in life.
01. I strive daily to improve my body and mind, and I encourage others to do so as well.
02. I seek perfection of character.
03. I always try my hardest.
04. I am always honest.
05. I do unto others as I would have them do unto me.
06. I always try to do the right thing.
07. I accept responsibility for my words and actions.
08. I respect all life and all creatures.
09. I treat my body as a gift, and I eat healthy.
10. I always respect others.
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