American Ninja Warrior’s Wolfpack Ninjas: an Introduction
Welcome to the first episode of our Wolfpack Ninjas podcast! We are SUPER PSYCHED!
In this first Wolfpack Ninjas podcast we discuss our Initiative, TEAM NINJA WARRIOR, the purpose of the podcast, Noah’s health tips, Ian’s training tips, Brian’s Answers, and Meagan’s Girly Tips. We also discuss and answer: “WHAT HAPPENED TO ISAAC CALDIERO?” and “IS HE PART OF THE WOLFPACK?” JUICY!!! This is so much fun!
We have an amazing guest list (Guest order TBD) for future Wolfpack Ninjas episodes, check it out:
David Flip Rodriguez (The Masked Ninja and super-coach from LA)
Jesse La Flair (AMAZING Parkour master and Youtube sensation)
Brent Steffensen (obstacles are his life! ANW 4 CHAMPION)
Jessie Graff (The Stuntwoman, tied with Meagan Martin for furthest woman run at Midoriyama)
Kacy Catanzaro (The LEGEND!)
Geoff Britten (one of the First American Ninja Warriors!)
Kevin Bull (Invert master!)
Joe Moravsky (The Weatherman and most consistent guy out there)
Sean Mccoll (Team Europe World-Cup Champion superstar!) …These interviews are already done! But there is so more ahead for this weekly podcast! 2016 will also see the likes of: Lance Pekus, Abel Gonzalez, Elet Hall, Alan Connealy, Drew Drechsel, Jimmy Webb, Sasha DiGuilian, Kevin Jorgesen… and so many other surprise guests and celebrities. WOW!
This being our first Wolfpack Ninjas episode, we are taking the opportunity to introduce ourselves:
The Wolfpack Ninjas are:
Noah Kaufman, MD – The NinjaDoc! 40 yr old ER Doc, Wolfpack leader, father.
Twitter: @climberdoc
Instagram: boulderdoc
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/noahkaufmanmd
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/slackclimb
Ian Dory – The WolfPup! 25 yr old World-cup climber, ANW 3rd place finisher the last 2 years, father.
Twitter: @IanDory
Instagram: iandory
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ian.dory
Youtube: Search Ian Dory
Meagan Martin – The SheWolf! 26 yr old Amazing climber and the female who has gone the furthest most consistently on American Ninja Warrior.
Twitter: @MeaganMartin89
Instagram: meaganmartin89
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MeaganMagoo
Youtube: Search Meagan Martin
Brian Arnold – 36 yr old First American to complete stage 3, ANW 5 Champ, father.
Twitter: @BrianArnold_ANW
Instagram: brianarnold_anw
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/brianarnoldanw
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/bigrocs1
You will notice that 3 of the Wolfpack Ninjas are fathers! With children, we have all gained an appreciation for kids that only a parent (and Meagan Martin) could possibly know. With this love of all kids, the Wolfpack decided to use our minor celebrity status and platform to take on CHILDHOOD OBESITY and overweight problems which now hover at around 30%! a third of these kids are going to go on to have problems with diabetes, heart diseas, cancer and many other health issues. THIS IS INSANE! Also, and perhaps even worse 68% of American adults are overweight or obese and heart disease is the #1 killer in America today. Horrible. Help us fight this insanity. Start by watching the movie “Fed Up” (it’s on Netflix.) Amazing. Learn more here: http://fedupmovie.com/#/page/home inspiring work by Katie Couric and Stephanie Soechtig. Great documentary.
Please help us out with a rate on iTunes, a share on Social Media and subscribe on iTunes HERE
Please spread the word about our lil’ Wolfpack Ninjas podcast and leave comments about your thoughts, who you want interviewed and or comments, questions for Brian or any of us and anything else you need to get you psyched!
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Let’s do this! Aroooo!
Noah, Ian, Meagan & Brian
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